
1 Faculty Member, Faculty of Management, Department of MBA, Kharazmi University, Tehran

2 MA, Information Technology Management, Alzahra University, Urmia Branch (Corresponding Author:


With the expansion of the Internet, various tools have been used to communicate with customers in organizations, and organizations use different E-CRM methods to create competitive advantages. Since customer loyalty is critical to achieving competitive advantage and profitability for organizations, one of the goals of organizations in using E-CRM is to maintain and increase customer loyalty. Therefore, considering the importance of the impact of various E-CRM services on customers’ loyalty, the purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of E-CRM on the loyalty of Bank Mellat customers using data mining techniques. The data required for this research were extracted from Bank Mellat databases. Data mining techniques include clustering with K-means algorithm and neural networks (using error-relay algorithm) and LRFM model through programming in MATLAB and Excel software were used to analyze the data. The results showed that with increasing use of E-CRM services, customers’ loyalty increases. The relationship between E-CRM, the components of LRFM model, and loyalty is a nonlinear and the change in loyalty as E-CRM changes is not a constant.  The increase in loyalty is a function of LRFM components, the amount of E-CRM and weights obtained in the neural network.  


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