Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student, International Marketing Management, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Al-Zahra University, Tehran.(Corresponding Author:

2 Faculty member, PhD in Management, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Al-Zahra University, Tehran

3  Faculty member, PhD in Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran

4 Faculty member, PhD in Management, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Al-Zahra University, Tehran.


Hard conditions of today's hypercompetition markets have not only dramatically increased the cost and risk of entering the market, but have also caused failure of new entrants. Coopetitions are born in response to this need. One of the important issues facing decision makers in coopetition projects is how to evaluate the consequences so that decide whether to enter the coopetition or not, as well as whether to continue or not. The purpose of this research is design and explain the consequences of coopetition for entering the ICT market of Iran, by analyzing the data gathered from systematic literature review over the past 15 years and interviewing with 16 ICT experts, through Multi Grounded Theory (MGT). Finally, a conceptual model is developed about the consequences of coopetition for entering the Iranian ICT market, which composed of three groups: "Brand Performance", "Industry Performance", and "Market entry Performance ".v


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