Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD. Student of Industrial Management, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, , Qazvin, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Department of Industrial Management, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran Corresponding Author:



Shipping industries in ports, as one of the strategic industries, have performed an important role in the optimized management of the transportation business in a particular on country's economy. The future status of port’s business management can be seen in planning , access to new technology in order to smartness, access to logistics, increase in specialized human resources and the impact of ports globalization. For this reason, the ports have to provide their services in a suitable qualification to plan for their development and demands supply.There have been major changes in ships technology that have affected the needs related to the construction and development of the port. Furthermore, the process of these changes will be more than this in the future which will have a direct effects on technology and the port’s facilities, In this article, in order to promote the ports and shipping industry, firstly, the main indicators of green and smart ports are identified by library studding and then interviews are conducted using the thematic analysis system approach. Next, the conceptual pattern of the research was drawn. Consequently, each index in the drawn pattern and the final index are evaluated in MATLAB software by (FIS). So, it is possible to determine the smartness and environmental indicators in the ports of the country for the first time. In this regard, Anzali port, one of the country's most important ports, will be implemented as a real example.


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