
1 Professor of Allameh Tabataba’i University

2 Master of public Management Islamic Azad University - Shahrud Branch

3 PhD.Student Industrial Management 0f Islamic Azad University South Tehran Branch


The alignment of IT and Business is one of the major issues for the Information Technology Managers and the senior managers in organizations. This article which is to study the rate of alignment of IT among the managers and engineers in manufacturing sections has been done in one of the biggest industrial districts in Iran, industrial district of Semnan. With the regard to the goal, this is an applicable study, and it is considered as a descriptive survey study regarding the data gathering. The statistics' samples were done by sampling randomly among a class, including 300 managers and engineers of manufacturing section. To gather the data, a self – made method, including 35 questions of 4 basic dimensions has been used.  The reliability of tools through analyzing the discovering factor as KMO indicator can be used, that is 0.827 and 0.000 for Bartlett's Test emphasizing the test reliability.  For stability, both Cronbach's Alpha was used that is 0.90 and for analyzing the data, the software of LISREL 8.80 structural model – finding was used. The results show that the most effective factor among the four basic components is the indicator of collaboration and contribution to business, and the least effect is on foresight. Moreover, among the sub variable realizing the capabilities and producing the opportunity is the most effective one.
