Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Prof., Dept. of Management, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Mahabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad, Iran

2 MA., Industrial Management, Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran


Augmented reality has emerged as one of the main trends in the digital market in recent years (Whang et al, 2021). Augmented reality technologies, such as 3D spatialization mechanisms and sound adaptation mechanisms, eliminate distance barriers to information acquisition, add more enjoyable and entertaining components to the visit, and increase visitor immersion in exhibitions (Huang, 2021).
As consumers' use of mobile augmented reality applications increases, it is necessary to strengthen theoretical and empirical insights to support this technology and understand its effects on consumer behaviors (McLean, & Wilson, 2019). Despite the rapid growth and increasing importance of augmented reality, recent research shows that managers lack insight into how augmented reality interacts with customers and need guidance to target customers who have adopted augmented reality (Jessen et al, 2020). A comprehensive review of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral responses in augmented reality shows that various studies have focused on benefits such as enjoyment and usefulness (Whang et al, 2021; Hilken et al, 2017). While things like the feeling of virtual presence, perceived value, attitude towards augmented reality, satisfaction, and experiential value have been paid less attention to (Kowalczuk et al, 2021; Nikhashemi et al, 2021). In order to answer the aforementioned research gap, the present research is trying to answer the following main question:
How does a mobile-based augmented reality application affect the decision-making process in the real shopping experience?

Literature Review

Marketers are using mobile augmented reality apps to connect with their consumers in new and exciting ways. From a marketing research perspective, augmented reality is a strategic concept that integrates information or digital objects into the subject's perception of the physical world, often in combination with other media, to express or demonstrate consumer interests to achieve obvious organizational goals (Rauschnabel et al., 2019).
Researches show that augmented reality enhances the consumer experience and drives their behavioral intentions Fan, et al, 2020; Kowalczuk et al., 2021; Nikhashemi et al., 2021). The research results of Whang et al. (2021) confirmed that the capabilities of mobile augmented reality technology evoke consumer behavioral and cognitive states, which in turn stimulate consumer purchase intention. However, their study did not consider the intention of continuous use of augmented reality, which is a major issue in this field. Because recent industry statistics show that about a quarter of augmented reality apps are never used after the initial download (Nikhashemi et al, 2021).
In addition, purchase intention focuses on the extent to which consumers attempt to make a purchase after interacting with mobile augmented reality applications, while continued use intention emphasizes the extent to which consumers will use mobile augmented reality applications in the future (Lo et al, 2020). Tsai & Hung, 2019). Hence, it is critical to address the importance of augmented reality as a strategy to enhance consumer engagement and its responsive effects on purchase intention.
Based on the purpose, this research is applied, in terms of the type of data, it is quantitative, and in terms of data collection, it is descriptive and survey type. The statistical population was the customers of the Digikala online store, whose number was estimated to be more than 3000 people. With the available sampling method, 384 people were selected as a sample, and a researcher-made questionnaire (based on the Likert scale) was sent to them as an electronic link. 307 usable questionnaires were returned. Structural equation modeling with partial least squares approach was used for data analysis and hypothesis testing.
The data analysis showed that the factor loading value between the components of a variable and the latent variable is more than 0.4, which indicates that the components of this variable have been able to evaluate the latent variable well. Also, the significance of the factor load of each of the variables of the verification model is more than 1.96 and it is significant.
Discussion and Conclusion
The current research was conducted with the aim of investigating the role of mobile augmented reality programs on continuous use and purchase intention by consumers among users of the Digikala store. The results of the research showed that virtual presence, experiential value, and purchase benefits have a positive effect on the attitude towards the mobile augmented reality program. In this regard, it can be said that the mobile augmented reality program produces and provides the content to the consumer that is more attractive to the user than ever before (Qin et al, 2021). The more customers engage with the content, the more likely they are to make the expected brand reaction (Park & Yoo, 2020).
 Also, perceived value and attitude towards the use of mobile augmented reality have a positive effect on consumer satisfaction. It can be claimed that mobile augmented reality allows users to see information related to customer service of various goods and products on any type of display around. Therefore, the more appropriate and up-to-date the quality of the designed system is, it leads to more people being interested and also more people using this technology and encouraging them to buy, and it leads to an increase in their satisfaction (Mclean et al, 2018; Oni et al. al, 2016; Chopdar & Balakrishnan, 2020).
 Based on the results of the research, satisfaction and perceived value have a positive effect on the intention to continue using and the intention to purchase. As the mobile augmented reality app enhances the shopping experience with the light and sound effects of a 3D movie, it allows stores and malls to transport their customers into a world of their own creation, combining elements of traditional online shopping with 3D experiences for Combine increased satisfaction and more accurate customer purchases (Chang et al, 2018; Chopdar & Balakrishnan, 2020).


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استناد به این مقاله: آتش سوز، علی.، رحمانی، پریناز. (1402). نقش برنامه‌های واقعیت افزوده موبایل بر استفاده مداوم و قصد خرید توسط مصرف‌کننده، مطالعات مدیریت کسب وکار هوشمند، 11(43)، 1-29.
DOI: 10.22054/IMS.2023.66467.2137
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