Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, The Study Group of Thoughtfulness for Children, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran Corresponding Author:



Using e-commerce will significantly reduce energy consumption and pollution. Today, large stores easily sell their products electronically. The branches of electronic business have expanded so much that companies and organizations exchange with each other or provide their goods and services to their customers by spending the least possible time and cost. The use of information technology is one of the necessary links to increase commercial efficiency in the national economy and preserve the environment.
This research will not only explain the consumer trust in cultural products and examine its dimensions and components but also pay attention to the motivation and drivers of the movement towards the consumer trust in cultural products and understand the appropriate platform for its realization through gaming. Green and quality information will help. On the other hand, the case study of the present research is Digikala's online service company. At the time of the research, Digikala is the largest online store in Iran, has more than 2 million daily visitors, and has taken 70% of the online sales market share in Iran. Digikala's business model is a combination of virtual marketplace and retail (Shojaei Raisi, 1400). The reason for choosing Digikala electronic store is due to the use of gaming in attracting and retaining customers and the store's attempt to persuade customers to be environmentally responsible.
Research Question(s)
The main issue of the current research is whether the quality of information and green gaming has an effect on consumer trust in cultural products, taking into account the mediating role of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use.

Literature Review

Gamification has emerged as a technological trend that transfers the features of games to non-game contexts. Studies in various fields such as health, education, and marketing have shown that gaming affects people's behavior. However, few sustainability studies provide conclusive findings on whether gamification affects actual pro-environmental behavior. The purpose of gamification is to transfer the features of games to non-game contexts in order to create a game experience. Accordingly, the user must perceive a gamified or interactive situation with a game-like service. To realize this, gameplay is based on the concept of "Loodus". For example, basic features of games such as goals, rules, structure, and feedback should be transferred to the non-game context. Through these components, gaming presents and conveys information in a different way. Customers actively participate in providing information and experience the information in the form of a game


The method of carrying out the present research is a survey and correlational research design of the type of structural equations using the method of partial least squares. The statistical population of the present study is the consumers of Digikala cultural products. The total number of the statistical population of the present study is uncertain. Considering the statistical population, Cochran's formula is used to determine the number of samples, for this purpose, 384 samples were selected due to heterogeneity and stratified proportional sampling.
The questionnaire was distributed among the customers in cultural products who have access to the Internet and have made an electronic purchase from DigiKala. Among the statistical samples of the research, 384 questionnaires were distributed, of which 380 questionnaires were answered, of which 4 questionnaires were excluded from the analysis because they did not answer a large number of questions. Finally, 380 questionnaires were included in the analysis.


The results showed that the quality of information has a significant effect on perceived usefulness and ease. Also, green gameplay has a significant effect on perceived usefulness and ease. Perceived usefulness plays a mediating role in the relationship between information quality and green gaming with consumer trust in cultural products. Perceived ease of use plays a mediating role in the relationship between information quality and green gaming with consumer trust in cultural products. The numbers inside the explained variance circle are the research variables.


In the new business process, gaining the trust of consumers of cultural products has taken an important and vital place in the goals of organizations, and senior managers know very well that their success in achieving the organization's major goals depends on gaining the trust of consumers of cultural products. Is. The purpose of the present study was to explain the effect of green gaming and information quality on consumer trust in cultural products with regard to the mediating role of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use.
According to the findings of the research, it was found that green gaming has a significant effect on perceived usefulness. Green gaming is one of the ways that helps to attract customers in different aspects. Green gamification in terms of providing gamified information can increase pro-environmental behavior due to the reduction of psychological distance. Therefore, the presentation of gamified information should increase the perceived clarity and quality of information, which should therefore encourage pro-environmental behavior. In this regard, the results of Wolff's research (2020) showed that green gamification and gamified information have a positive effect on perceived usefulness and perceived ease.


Based on the findings of the research, to improve the trust of consumers in cultural products, it is suggested to provide complete information about green gaming to consumers and how to use it in a clear and transparent manner. implemented and the employees have sufficient knowledge about green gaming and have received the necessary training in this field.
One of the limitations of the current research was that this research was conducted only in the Digikala online store, so caution should be exercised in generalizing its results to other industries or other organizations. For future research, it is suggested that the model used in this research should be investigated in other industries or a specific organization, and individual and cultural factors regarding green gaming should be investigated.

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