Document Type : Research Paper
1 MSc of Information Technology Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran
2 Ph.D. of Technology Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran
3 PhD student of Operations Research, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran
In all countries, entity or entities are responsible for the governance in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). In Iran, the governance of this area is the responsibility of several institutions which they must consider a set of elements and their relationships at the national level. The main objective of this paper is to institutionally analyze Iran's ICT governance system based on the cycle of cohesion policy and reviewing the existing challenges. With the review of the literature, a model for cohesion policy has been extracted. Based on this model and extensive research in the literature and interviews with experts in this field and by identifying responsible institutions in the governance of ICT and explaining their key roles in making policies the current situation and institutional challenges in each phase of the model is analyzed. Finally, to overcome the challenges ahead, some suggestions are presented.